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Ruth - A Musical

A vibrant retelling of the book of Ruth. Experience the biblical story in a new way as Naomi, a broken widow, and her foreign daughter-in-law, Ruth, seek a new life in the land of Israel. But good things do not come easy, and even with the great kindness of Boaz Ben Salmon, joy, healing and peace are hard to find. Through a diverse and powerful soundtrack, colorful dancing, costumes, and sets, and the drama of this classic romance, Ruth is an inspirational story of hope and victory for everyone to enjoy.

Preparing for the Audition

Q. What does the audition process look like?

We will begin with a short choreography piece to warm things up a bit, followed with singing. Each person will perform 60 seconds from one of the selected pieces and should be prepared to do a scene reading from the character for whom they are auditioning. Music files & scripts can be downloaded below.

Download: He's Got it All.pdf

Download: He's Got it All.mp3

Download: Harvest Song.pdf

Download: Harvest Song.mp3

Q. Where are the auditions?

Auditions are held at Bethel SonRise (800 W Galveston St, Chandler, AZ 85225) on Saturday, January 25th from 1pm-3pm, and Tuesday, January 28th at Bethel South (1325 S Arizona Ave, Chandler, AZ 85286) from 6pm-7:30pm. You only need to attend one of these audition dates. However, it is important to save the date February 1st from 1pm-2:30pm at (Bethel Sonrise only) in case you are asked for callbacks.

Q. What should I wear?

You can wear any clothing in which you'd be most comfortable moving around.

Q. When will I hear back?

Each auditionee will hear back within a week of their audition date.



Principal Player

Compassionate, kind, and intelligent but has a resigned air about him. He recognizes that he is well off in life and wishes to help others because of it. He has a strong build but limps from an accident that happened in the fields.


Principal Player

Competitive, angry and doesn’t have a lot of emotional control. He thinks a lot about himself and obtaining wealth. He is married to Rachel, and is Boaz’s rival.  


Principal Player

Ambitious, self-serving, snarky, and willing to do anything to get ahead in life. Was engaged to Boaz before marrying Nehemiah.  


Principal Player

He has great gusto and likes to do a job well done. He is very loyal to Boaz but doesn’t always agree with him on his generosity and at times will take that out on the harvesters. He is married to Sara.  


Principal Player

Robust in character, outgoing, and friendly. She is head of the gleaners and is also a good dancer. She is married to Eliab.



Uncompassionate and wealthy townsperson.



Wealthy townsman who wants to get on Nehemiah’s good side but will talk bad about him behind his back.



Town merchant.



Crippled beggar looking for work in Boaz's fields.

Hannah / Michael


Two prejudice townswomen.



Nervous, worn-thin mother who is afraid of new people coming into town.



Prejudiced townsman who works for Nehemiah.



Hurt his arm doing fieldwork and was switched to accounting. He is grateful that Boaz is keeping him on. Is a kind and good teacher.



Broke his leg jumping off a cart and was switched to accounting while it heals. He is grateful that Boaz is keeping him on.



Coarse harvester.



Upbeat & optimistic. Loves working in Boaz's fields. 1 of 6 gleaners.



Hard-working and no-nonsense. 1 of 6 gleaners.


City Gate Judge

Elder who likes to make jokes.


City Gate Judge

Lead elder, full of wisdom and understanding.


Will be portraying roles as harvesters, gleaners and townspeople.


Intensive Details

Composed of 3 sessions, we’ll explore how God has uniquely made you to move, break down and put into practice the psychology behind character development, and understand performing improv techniques. This hands-on workshop will be informative, stretching, and a lot of fun! Come prepared to learn, engage, and build community.  

Session 1: The Mind-Body Connection

This session will be focusing building your identity in Christ by understanding how God has uniquely created you. And equip you to feel confident in building characterization through body language and movement.

Session 2: Character Psychology and Development

in this session we dive into what it takes to build deep, striking, and memorable characters through understanding motives, objectives, and actions.

Session 3: Improv

Improv is as easy as saying "Yes, and". In this session we'll be focusing on the foundational rules of improv. Fully engaging the imagination and understanding how to listen and collaboration with your scene partners.

Location: Bethel Chandler: 1235 S Arizona Ave Chandler, AZ 85286